Forum: Personal Experience

English Alexithymia Forum > Personal Experience

Personal Experience
273 06.02.2025 by Alexej
alexes and relationship
10 23.06.2017 by AlexMorphin
don't know
2 11.06.2017 by Az
What makes you happy?
8 29.05.2017 by Moonlight
Strange Dreams
1 29.05.2017 by tiger91
TV as a guide for interaction
4 08.05.2017 by tiger91
do i tell him ?
7 09.04.2017 by Athanasa
Love is a choice, not a feeling
1 09.04.2017 by tiger91
I'm not a monster
2 08.04.2017 by Athanasa
My life long struggles.
0 03.04.2017 by badbud65
0 03.02.2017 by Afnuke
Was asked to explain how I feel
5 20.01.2017 by GelatinousPope
Please help
1 17.01.2017 by El
Are you happy?
1 17.01.2017 by CV
A nice poem
0 07.01.2017 by kat3lb
On the brink
4 26.12.2016 by IntoTheWind
What I've figured out so far
2 04.12.2016 by Z
Seems like Alexithymia gets worse
6 29.11.2016 by Dave
Living in a logic puzzle
4 27.11.2016 by CV
4 30.10.2016 by lostsoul
the shrinks say I'm fascinating?
2 28.10.2016 by Hokkai
UNKNOWN mood swings???
6 23.10.2016 by Dave
Here goes nothing I guess
2 22.10.2016 by val
Empty Shell
2 06.10.2016 by Abc
The Ups and Downs of my life
1 04.10.2016 by IntoTheWind
