Forum: Personal Experience

English Alexithymia Forum > Personal Experience

Personal Experience
273 06.02.2025 by Alexej
The Ups and Downs of my life
1 04.10.2016 by IntoTheWind
No feelings
1 14.09.2016 by Dave
my own experiences - Is this you?
1 11.09.2016 by Abc
3 07.09.2016 by DXS
the Daydreaming thing.....
11 07.09.2016 by DXS
I don't know what I am anymore
1 26.08.2016 by Jute
Could I have been born with this?
3 20.08.2016 by Dave
6 10.08.2016 by tiger91
Scored pretty high, need some guidance.
1 09.08.2016 by tiger91
Introducing myself, and my experience.
1 27.07.2016 by perceiving-iamb
Dysfunctional Family?
4 18.06.2016 by ideohazard
Introduction and experience
0 18.06.2016 by ideohazard
I guess I'll introduce myself.
2 17.06.2016 by 11
Things off my chest (head).
10 12.06.2016 by Rec
I can read others, just not myself
9 13.05.2016 by Dave
4 12.05.2016 by Dave
Fake It So You Don't Lose Them?
11 09.05.2016 by Elizaboo22
Today Everything Turned To S***
1 24.04.2016 by kat3lb
Facebook Group
13 13.04.2016 by slushhhhy
Empathy and altruism
7 13.04.2016 by janglydangly
My experiance
4 06.04.2016 by Blaziken
Friendship fail
3 28.03.2016 by CV
6 07.03.2016 by hwhittle
